Friday, June 8, 2012

Wow!  Has it really been almost 2 months since I have last posted?  It's amazing how quickly and easily the  busy-ness of life can swallow you up.  That's no excuse to neglect the Lord, and I've tried to stay in close contact with Him these past couple of months.  At times I've done a good job of it and, at other times, I've failed miserably.

Staying connected to Him is a constant struggle for me.  My short attention span is my downfall.  Just when I feel like I'm walking with Him, something distracts me and, like a kitten chasing a ball of yarn, I move haphazardly in another direction.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but after a day of work, cooking dinner, feeding the baby, playing with the baby, bathing the baby, putting the baby to bed, doing the dishes, cleaning up the house, throwing in a load of laundry, and sparing a few precious moments of time with my husband, I just don't have the energy to pray.  I often find myself starting a prayer and falling asleep in the middle of it.  I find that worship for me consists of short bursts of prayer or praise rather than regular, scheduled time.

I know I should put Him FIRST, I just haven't figured out how to do that without neglecting something or someone else.  Not an excuse, just a miserable explanation.

The one time of the day when I feel able to worship is, believe it or not, in my car on the way to work.  It is usually the only time of the day when I am alone.  Sometimes I pray while driving, other times I worship Him through music.

One song that gets me every time is "I Won't Go Back" by William McDowell.  This song is sure to have me in tears every time I listen to it.  For whatever reason, it really moves my spirit, probably more so than any other song I have ever heard.

I hope you are enjoying your spring/summer, and finding time to commune with God, whether via formal worship, regular prayer sessions or, in my case, little stolen moments throughout the day.

God Bless!

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